Monday, November 11, 2013

Era of Good Feelings DBQ Essay

Katahira-Ables, Yuto
Mr. Ready
Ap US History, period 2
11 November 2013
“Era of Good Feelings” DBQ Essay
The Era of Good Feelings was a historic label out upon America after the War of 1812 during Monroe’s presidency. The accuracy of this label is spot on because even though sectionalism was present, the nationalistic actions and views prevailed as it provided economic, political, and social stability to America to form unity among the states. This era was a huge step forward in the country and it represented a period of progress in which the Americans united.
The issue of transportation emerged after the War of 1812 and, with it, the emergence of the manufacturers. Leaders like John Randolph feared disunion and the imbalance of people in America as the manufacturers grew wealthy and the farmers grew poorer.  However, the ideas of such people like John C. Calhoun started to emerge as well. Calhoun, fearing sectionalism in America, introduced the “perfect” system of roads and canals that ultimately would help unify the nation. His ideas were approved because of all the unexplored land to the west, and it would unify the west to the east. These nationalistic views of Calhoun dignified the era of good feelings because this turnpike era would eventually lead to the canal era.
The Supreme Court decisions proposed by John Marshal was another example of economic stability in America. The decision in McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) stated that Congress had the power to incorporate a bank and that independent states did not. The authority of the federal government was strictly enforced by John Marshall to prevent sectionalism in America- states becoming independent and sovereign. In the Gibbons v. Ogden case, John Marshall again recognized the authority of the federal government over the states in terms of commerce in transportation. John Marshall’s efforts put in an end to sectionalism and helped spread nationalism to recognize the states under one simple category, the United States of America.
Slavery served to be an issue in America, as Jefferson described it “like a firebell in the night”. Problems emerged from among the north and south regarding whether Missouri should be issued as a free or slave state. The issue was solved with the Missouri Compromise which was sectionalist in nature; however, the north and south were content and even satisfied with the compromise which became progress in their relationship. Therefore, it helped to unify the country as a whole and provided social stability, hence the name the “era of good feelings”. Moreover, it significantly separated the north and south.
The War of 1812 was a war that wasn’t intended to be fought. However, victories at battles such as the Battle of New Orleans where Andrew Jackson emerged victories provided nationalism and patriotism among Americans. Festivals like the Fourth of July prove patriotism was now present in America. This added social stability and was a significant event of good feelings.
John Quincy Adams, secretary of state, was a Federalist. It was odd to see a Federalist, John Q. Adams, and a Republican, James Monroe, to be in the same office. However, Monroe was destined to end the disputes between the Federalists and the Republicans so he assigned Adams to be secretary of state; Adams became a Republican soon after. Monroe’s plan succeeded and he issued the label that this is the “Era of Good Feelings”. Monroe ended sectionalism in America when he won the presidential election of 1820 231 electoral votes to 1 which ended the Federalist party and brought upon a one - party system. This political stability under one party unified America which was purely nationalism.
In conclusion, the “era of good feelings” was an accurate historic label because it unified America with economic stability, the authority of the federal government over the states, social stability, patriotism among the states and the issue of slavery, and political stability, the disappearance of the Federalist party.